Recipe: Grilled Open Chorizos

Recipe: Grilled Open Chorizos

Today, we're going to make a tasty recipe from Nico, our tourism manager (who is also a great cook): grilled open chorizos.

We’ll need four chorizos, in this case, 100% pork, and four fresh bread rolls – homemade, baguette, or sourdough all work well.

For the filling, we’ll use some cheese, either mozzarella or provoleta, roasted peppers cut into strips (we've already prepped these on the grill using a griddle), and we can add some salsa criolla, caramelized onions, and, of course, chimichurri is a must.

To start, we’ll hollow out the top of each roll, removing the inside to leave enough space for the filling. Some rolls will get provoleta, others caramelized onions, and others the roasted peppers we prepared on the grill.

Next, we remove the casing from the chorizo and press it into the roll so it’s compact and the flavors blend together. When everything is ready, we head to the grill, which should be hot with a good amount of coals. Place the rolls chorizo-side down on the grill, letting them cook in that position for about 20 to 30 minutes.

We’ll listen for the sizzle of the fat hitting the coals, and watch the chorizo gradually brown. After those minutes, we’ll flip them and leave them for another 5 minutes to warm the bread and the rest of the ingredients inside.

Once off the grill, top them with chimichurri to fully soak the bread and meat with flavor – and they’re ready to enjoy.

A tip that you might find useful: lightly wet the bread beforehand so it becomes crisp and tender on the grill.

Hope you enjoyed this recipe, and see you next time.

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